
cereal supports serializing smart pointers but not dumb pointers (that is to say raw pointers, such as int *) or references. Pointer support can be found by including <cereal/types/memory.hpp>

TLDR Version

cereal works with modern smart pointers found in <memory> by including <cereal/types/memory.hpp> but does not support raw pointers or references. Pointers to polymorphic types are also supported but detailed elsewhere. cereal needs access to either a default constructor or a a specialization of cereal::LoadAndConstruct for loading smart pointers.

Smart Pointers

All smart pointer types in C++11, std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr, and std::weak_ptr can be serialized by cereal. In addition, cereal also supports std::enable_shared_from_this, as well as needlessly convoluted circular references of std::weak_ptr. std::auto_ptr is not supported (and is deprecated anyway - don’t use it!).

Important! At this time, cereal does not support the aliasing constructor for std::shared_ptr as this would require support for raw pointers.

cereal will make sure that the data pointed to by an std::shared_ptr is serialized only once, even if several std::shared_ptr (or std::weak_ptr) that point to the same data are serialized in the same archive. This means that when saving to an archive cereal will avoid duplication, and when loading from an archive, cereal will not allocate extraneous data.

cereal will also properly handle pointers to polymorphic objects (e.g. std::unique_ptr<Base> p( new Derived() ). This is detailed in the polymorphic wiki page.

Types with no default constructor

If you want to serialize a pointer to a type that does not have a default constructor, or a type that does not allow cereal access to its default constructor, you will either need to provide a member static function load_and_construct or provide a specialization of cereal::LoadAndConstruct for the type. If you choose to use the external version, specializing cereal::LoadAndConstruct, cereal will call the static method of this struct, load_and_construct.

These functions give you a way to load up any pertinent data and call a non default constructor. cereal will handle allocating the memory and pass a cereal::construct object to your load_and_construct function that you can use to perform the actual construction.

#include <cereal/access.hpp> // For LoadAndConstruct

struct MyType
  MyType( int x ); // note: no default ctor
  int myX;

  // Define a serialize or save/load pair as you normally would
  template <class Archive>
  void serialize( Archive & ar )
    ar( myX );

  // We could define load_and_construct internally:
  //template <class Archive>
  //static void load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct<MyType> & construct )
  //  int x;
  //  ar( x );
  //  construct( x );

  // if you require serialization versioning, simply add a const std::uint32_t as the final parameter, e.g.:
  // load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct<MyType> & construct, std::uint32_t const version )

// Provide a specialization for LoadAndConstruct for your type
// if you want to do it externally.
namespace cereal
  template <> struct LoadAndConstruct<MyType>
    // load_and_construct will be passed the archive that you will be loading
    // from as well as a special construct object that can be used to invoke
    // the constructor for your class.
    // More advanced functionality is available using construct, such as accessing
    // class members, which is detailed in the doxygen docs.
    // As with the internal load_and_construct, versioning can be supported by adding an
    // additional final parameter: const std::uint32_t version
    template <class Archive>
    static void load_and_construct( Archive & ar, cereal::construct<MyType> & construct )
      int x;
      ar( x );
      construct( x ); // calls MyType( x )

Implementing either of the load_and_construct styles will allow you to serialize smart pointers to a type without a default constructor.

Serialization versioning for load_and_construct behaves the same way as it does for standard serialization functions.

Deferring pointer serialization

cereal performs serialization by performing a recursive depth-first traversal through the serialization functions it processes. In the case of pointers, this means that cereal will explore the pointer, serializes its contents, and then proceed. If that pointer then contains another pointer, cereal will follow that one, and so on.

For certain data structures, cereal may trigger a stack overflow if the depth of the traversal is excessive. Typically this is only encountered when using smart pointers to data that may include cyclical or extensive chained references. An example data structure would be a graph, where nodes are stored independently of edges, which contain pointers to nodes.

To help avoid a stack overflow in these situations, cereal offers a feature called defer, which causes data to be serialized at a later time of your choosing. This is done by wrapping data with cereal::defer and using the serializeDeferments archive member function. serializeDeferments should be called only once per archive instance, typically at the highest level of serialization possible.

To illustrate the graph example, defer could be used to cause the nodes to be fully serialized before any of the edges, which would prevent excessive pointer following:

#include <cereal/cereal.hpp> // for defer
#include <cereal/types/memory.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>

struct MyEdge
  std::shared_ptr<MyNode> connection;
  int some_value;

  template<class Archive>
  void serialize(Archive & archive)
    // when we serialize an edge, we'll defer serializing the associated node
    // to avoid extensive recursive serialization
    archive( cereal::defer( connection ),
             some_value ); // the non-deferred data will be serialized immediately

struct MyGraphStructure
  int some_random_data;
  std::vector<MyEdge> edges;
  std::vector<MyNodes> nodes;

  template<class Archive>
  void serialize(Archive & archive)
    // because of the deferment, we ensure all nodes are fully serialized
    // before any connection pointers to those nodes in any edge are serialized
    archive( some_random_data, edges, nodes );

    // we have to explicitly inform the archive when it is safe to serialize
    // the deferred data - this should only be called once on the archive

Important! defer requires that the archive informed when to perform serialization of deferred data.

While defer offers one possible solution to this problem, it may be possible in other contexts to simply change the ordering or structure of the serialization functions to achieve a similar effect.

Implementation notes

If you are a casual user of cereal, there’s no need to worry about the details of loading and saving smart pointers. If you are curious or want a better understanding, here’s a brief overview:

When saving an std::shared_ptr, we first check to make sure we haven’t serialized it before. This is done by keeping a map from addresses to pointer ids (an std::uint32_t), which are unique. Pointers that are newly serialized are given a new id with the most significant bit set to 1. When saved, an std::shared_ptr will first output its id, which will either have its MSB set to 1 if it is the first instance of that id, or will be an id already in the archive. This is immediately followed by the data found by dereferencing the pointer. If the pointer was equal to nullptr, its id is set to 0 and nothing else is saved.

When loading an std::shared_ptr, we first load its id to determine whether we need to allocate data or not. If the MSB of a loaded id is equal to 1, we need to actually allocate it and keep track of this allocation in a map from ids to std::shared_ptr<void>. If the MSB is not equal to 1, we retrieve the already loaded data from the map. In the case of null pointers (id equal to 0), nothing needs to be done.

When serializing an std::weak_ptr, it is promoted to an std::shared_ptr by locking it. It then follows the same mechanisms as a shared pointer.

std::unique_ptr is a bit easier since it contains a unique reference to the data it points to. This means we can serialize it without doing any tracking. The only extra metadata that we serialize is a single std::uint8_t containing a 1 if the pointer is valid and a 0 if the pointer is equal to nullptr. When loading, we first look at the id before attempting to load its contents.

Handling of types that do not have default constructors works the same way on the surface but is more complicated under the hood. cereal allocates memory for the type before it can be constructed and gives the user an object which transparently performs a placement new into this block of memory, while staying exception safe.

The most complicated portion of the memory implementation is handling non-default constructors when an std::shared_ptr to a type that inherits from std::enable_shared_from_this is utilized (excluding the complications that arise from polymorphism!). In this situation, we need to pre-allocate a buffer for the user to later perform a placement new in, while keeping a stable, type agnostic std::shared_ptr to the buffer (so we can properly assign circular references). The internal state of the std::enable_shared_from_this is set upon insertion into a std::shared_ptr, which means that if we were to simply let user perform their placement new blindly, the original state of the std::enable_shared_from_this would be overwritten. To get around this, we save its state before letting the user peform the construction, and then restore it afterwards.

Raw/Dumb Pointers and References

cereal does not support serializing raw (e.g. int *) pointers or references (e.g. int &).

Pointer serialization rationale

Pointer serialization requires extra book-keeping compared to non pointer types. We want to make sure that we don’t serialize the same object twice since that is both time and space wasted in the archive. With raw pointers, every object would need to be tracked to detect whether it had already been serialized (imagine a pointer pointing to data inside of some other container - this gets complicated very quickly). This is essentially what happens with boost serialization. This comes at the cost of runtime performance and increases the code complexity of the library considerably. It also complicates user code since it adds extra considerations about tracking types. In modern C++, it is rare for raw pointers to be used outside of internal implementations, so we think that in these situations it is reasonable to make users of cereal make their own decisions regarding the data the pointers refer to.