A C++11 library for serialization
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 access.hppAccess control and default construction
 adapters.hppArchive adapters that provide additional functionality on top of an existing archive
 array.hppSupport for types found in <array>
 atomic.hppSupport for types found in <atomic>
 base_class.hppSupport for base classes (virtual and non-virtual)
 binary.hppBinary input and output archives
 bitset.hppSupport for types found in <bitset>
 boost_variant.hppSupport for boost::variant
 cereal.hppMain cereal functionality
 chrono.hppSupport for types found in <chrono>
 common.hppSupport common types - always included automatically
 complex.hppSupport for types found in <complex>
 deque.hppSupport for types found in <deque>
 forward_list.hppSupport for types found in <forward_list>
 functional.hppSupport for types found in <functional>
 helpers.hppInternal helper functionality
 json.hppJSON input and output archives
 list.hppSupport for types found in <list>
 macros.hppPreprocessor macros that can customise the cereal library
 map.hppSupport for types found in <map>
 memory.hppSupport for types found in <memory>
 optional.hppSupport for std::optional
 pair_associative_container.hppSupport for the PairAssociativeContainer refinement of the AssociativeContainer concept
 polymorphic.hppSupport for pointers to polymorphic base classes
 polymorphic_impl.hppInternal polymorphism support
 polymorphic_impl_fwd.hppInternal polymorphism support forward declarations
 queue.hppSupport for types found in <queue>
 set.hppSupport for types found in <set>
 specialize.hppSerialization disambiguation
 stack.hppSupport for types found in <stack>
 static_object.hppInternal polymorphism static object support
 string.hppSupport for types found in <string>
 traits.hppInternal type trait support
 tuple.hppSupport for types found in <tuple>
 unordered_map.hppSupport for types found in <unordered_map>
 unordered_set.hppSupport for types found in <unordered_set>
 util.hppInternal misc utilities
 utility.hppSupport for types found in <utility>
 valarray.hppSupport for types found in <valarray>
 variant.hppSupport for std::variant
 vector.hppSupport for types found in <vector>
 version.hppMacros to detect cereal version
 xml.hppXML input and output archives